
Flint Hills Bible Church Articles - articles written by our pastors.

Do You Love Your Job? Part 1

Do you wake up every morning excited to go to work? Are you passionate about what you do and feel like you are making a positive impact in the world? Maybe you wish you weren’t surrounded by such ungodly sinners and their foul mouthed, pagan ways and that you had a job where you could do something good for God and for other Christians.

But why do you think those things about work? Are those ideas biblical? What does the Bible say about work? 

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Setting Direction

For those of you who have been keeping track, you know that I am on crusade to push our young men to set direction for their life and seek to become providers for their future families. To encourage them on that journey, I want to offer some practical advice for how to get a job that will allow you to fulfill your biblical priorities.

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The Blessing of Boredom

It’s summer vacation. It’s the afternoon. It’s hot. And you’re bored out of your mind. So far you have watched two hours of game shows, the afternoon news, and a talk show. Further, you have received several invitations to enroll at various career colleges, contact accident attorneys, and buy household products that will make your life a breeze (presumably so you can watch more TV). A single word describes the state of your being – boredom.

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Back to School

Growing up, I always had mixed feelings about August. On one hand, it was a month when I vacationed, enjoyed the hot sun, and relished in my freedom. On the other hand, it was in August that all the stores began their “Back to School” sales. Don’t get me wrong, I love sales; it’s just the “Back to School” part that always bothered me. Returning to school has always evoked dread in many students’ hearts—it means getting up early, eating cafeteria food, listening to lectures, and if that isn’t enough, the teachers actually expect you to do homework outside of school hours! Though such apathy and dread typify the attitudes of many unbelievers towards school, as the salt of the earth we must present a different testimony.

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